About Us
Our associates are carefully prescreened to ensure the highest quality standard.
About Doves Medical Transportation
We consistently strive to provide a superior
level of service designed to exceed our client’s expectations.
Doves Medical Transportation is set up as a Corporation. The ownership is held by Bruce Duane Price Dove Sr., who owns 100%.
All questions relative to request should be directed to Doves Medical Transportation. Bruce Duane Dove Has over 25 years of experience. He does this because he wants to service people.
Doves Medical Transportation began its operation in 2018. The inspiration for the company was the realization that there is a need for a company that can provide excellent customer relations with a focus on delivering cost-effective transportation services in a timely and efficient manner.
The company will be headquartered in the city of Buffalo in the state of New York. Its
operations will expand regionally.
Doves Medical Transportation is proud of the accomplishments of the people that have made up this company. Doves Medical Transportation is particularly proud of the fact that we possess a dedicated management team that demonstrates honesty, integrity, and professionalism in all aspects of operations.
The company is also particularly proud that our associates are carefully prescreened to ensure the highest quality standard.